
Thomas G.T.

The EU semen depot Freeze and Breed is only responsible for everything to do with shipments. All information about shipping semen can be found here: hier

Breeding conditions, breeding contracts and formalities are to be dealt directly with the owner of the stallion!

contact person:
Gaby Stoffmehl,
+49 (0) 171 8002703,

Breed: Friesian
Colour: Black
Height: 171 cm
Born: 2006

Beart 411 Jasper 366 Olof 315
Antje ut de Mieden
Setske F. Feitse 293
Ellie R. Hearke Mark 232
Neeltje Oege 267

  • graded
  • winner of the performance test 2006 FPZV
  • licensed in redefin, WN 8,94
  • No dwarfism or hydrocephalus
  • homozygous for black
  • no red factor


750,- Euro (350,- Euro Booking fee, 400,- Euro when pregnant)

Thomas G.T. geb. 2006 FPZV Sieger Hengstleistungsprüfung 2019 ist ein wunderschöner, rassetypischer Hengst aus der begehrten Abstammung Beart 411 (Sohn von Jasper 366) x Hearke. Sehr edeler Ausdruck, klares Auge, kraftvolle und raumgreifende Gänge. Leistungsbereit, rittig und absolut charakterstark. Sehr barocke Erscheinung und ein stattliches Stockmass von 171cm ziehen jede Blicke an sich. Gekört und leistungsgeprüft wurde Thomas G.T. auf dem Landgestüt Redefin mit einer unglaublichen Note von 8,94 ! Ausgebildet ist er in der Dressur bis in den Lektionen der Klasse S sowie gefahren. Eingetragener Deckhengst im Hengstbuch I.
Seine Nachkommen bereits zahlreich mit Gold prämiert.

Gen-Test 100% reinerbig, kein Zwergenwuchs- und Wasserkopftäger, Rotfaktor negativ!!!

Er ist absolut verlässlich im Umgang und zeigt keine Hengstmanieren, vollig unerschrocken im Gelände und in fremder Umgebung. Auf großen Shows mit Luftballons, Feuer und Lektionen wie Kompliment, Spanischen Schritt, Piaffe, Passage, Ablegen und Steigen begeistert er. Er pflegt einen liebevollen Umgang zu Kindern, Artgenossen und anderen Tieren wie Katzen und Hunde. Er ist stets aufgeschlossen und neugierig und strahlt souverän Ruhe und Gelassenheit aus.

Bedeckt Stuten aller Pferderassen.
Tiefgefriersperma verfügbar.
Natursprung an der Hand. Standort 47608 Geldern.

Verantwortlich für Text und Bilder: Gaby Stoffmehl

Sir Quaterback

Breed: Welsh Partbred, Small German Riding Horse
Colour: Palomino
Height: 154 cm
Born: 2019

Cadlanvalley Sir Ivanhoe Boston Bonaparte Varndell Right Royal
Contessa of Kirkhamgate
Newtonhill Kerry Newtonhill Naughty Boy Charlie
Palesides Jessica
Quaterback's Girl Quaterback Quaterman I
Assia Alabaster

v. Cadlanvalley Sir Ivanhoe – Quaterback - Alabaster


  • graded, licensed in GER
  • Palomino, Cr/N
  • CA, PSSM free
  • WFFS negative


Australia: 585 AUD per dose

For Europe please contact:
Elisabeth Bröskamp, Mobil: 0178-3772530,

Sir Quaterback B was as foal winner at the Foalshow in Zweibrücken with a result of 8,64.

His mother Quaterback’s Girl ist awardded the title "Verbandsprämienstute".

responsible for text and pictures: Elisabeth Bröskamp

Golden Campino

Breed: German Riding Pony
Colour: Dunalino
Height: 144 cm
Born: 2017

Cadlanvalley Sir Ivanhoe Boston Bonaparte Varndell Right Royal
Contessa of Kirkhamgate
Newtonhill Kerry Newtonhill Naughty Boy Charlie
Palesides Jessica
Dorlina Red Dornik B Derano Gold
Golden Elly Eckley

v. Cadlanvalley Sir Ivanhoe – Dornik B - Eckley


  • graded and performance tested
  • Dunalino, Cr/N, D/dn2
  • CA, PSSM free
  • WFFS negative


Australien: 585 AUD per dose

For Europe please contact:
Elisabeth Bröskamp, Mobil: 0178-3772530,

Golden Campino completed his stallion performance test in Erbach/Rollehof with an overall score of 8 and thus achieved an excellent result. His rideability and willingness to perform were reflected in all areas.

His mother Dorlina-Red v. Dornik B/Eckley is a performance mare and was placed up to class L herself.

responsible for text and pictures: Elisabeth Bröskamp

Hickorys Royal Kizz

Breed: Quarterhorse
Colour: Amber Cream Champagne Dun
Height: 150 cm
Born: 2014

First Kizz Bucolena Chex Nu Chex To Cash
CR Guns Fancy
Cougarkizzy Cougarand
Kizzys Bobalu
Hickory Smoken Lass JRS Dun Diablo High Brow Hickory
Peppsy MS Diablo
DBD Queen Glass Eyed Doc
Sankas Queen

v. First Kizz – JRS Dun Diablo – Glass Eyed Doc


  • Registered Quarter Horse USA, Paint Horse USA, Germany
  • AES registered and graded
  • Homozygous for Champagne, heterozygous for Dun
  • Ch/Ch, D/nd, A/a, Cr/N

    • GBED N/N
    • HERDA N/N
    • HYPP N/N
    • MH N/N
    • PSSM N/N
    • MYHM/IMM N/N
    • LWO N/N


Australia 2 doses 1500 AUD

New Zealand 2 doses 1600 NZD

Breeders in Europe please contact Corinna Meffert, , mobile and whatsapp +49 1 78 - 696 33 88,


Responsible for text and pictures: Corinna Meffert

EH Hibiskus

Breed: Trakehner
Colour: Black
Height: 168 cm
Born: 2000

Latimer (Trak.) Saint Cloud Neuquen
Lara XII Caprimond
Larissa XXI
Hirtennacht Hohenstein Caprimond
Helena XIV
Herzlani Kostolany

v. Latimer – Hohenstein - Kostolany


  • Graded for Trakehner, papers for foals possible for all breeding books (warmblood)
  • Performance tested in Germany
  • Stallionbook I Trakehner
  • Finalist of the Bundeschampionat Germany
  • Succesful up to Grand Prix international
  • WFFS negative
  • succesful up to S** dressage


Australia  1400 AUD

Newzealand  1500 NZD


This flashy Black Trakehner Stallion was born June 1, 2000. He is approximately 168 cm.
He was the Reserve Champion of his licensing at the Trakehner Hengstmarkt in Neumünster 2002.

The 30 day Performance test was completed in Schliekau 2003 with the second best Dressage note of all 30 participating stallions; 8.61 2/30 He became 7.96 for jumping and was over all sixth with 8.41.
The 70 day Performance Test was accomplished in Redefin where he won the Dressage section and was fourth over all.
Hibiskus was a finalist of the three year old stallion class at the prestigous German National Championships in Warendorf in the riding horse competition under Ingrid Klimke, where they were third in the finals.
Unfortunately he was only ridden sporadically after that, untill we purchased him in 2012
August 2012 we bought him , his training waslevel was L. 2013 were the first wins in medium level, 2014 He had his first advanced level wins

Hibiskus was bred by the legendary East Prussian breeder Veronica von Schöning, one oft the most influential breeders of the Trakehner breed after WWII.
The father Latimer, Bundeschampionat Winner, 67th oft he WBFSH Sire Rankings Dressage.Sire of Finckenstein TSF who competed succesfully at the World Championships in Tryon for Denmark.
The Dam line is one oft he largest produchers of top quality Sport horses in the Trakehner Breed such as Herzruf the sire of Ulla Salzgebers Herzrufs Erbe, or Hirtentanz, the only Trakehner to this day accepted by the Holsteiner Breeding association.
. Hibiskus himself is the sire of succesful Dressage up to Grand Prix, , National and International Eventers with Young Riders, He has produched Jumpers up to medium level. Hibiskuss´s offspring have been ridden in recent years at International European and Word Championships for Para dressage. He has also produced top young carriage horses.

Hibiskus makes good moving foals with a big swinging trot, he is known to improve difficult character and make a good and a relaxed walk. He makes a strong and correct conformation with a lot of bone. He gives substance, making solid horses. They are easy going horses with great rideability,
His foals are very often dark, no chestnuts have been known until now. He has also produced paints
Hibiskus has seven registered sons.
His most recently registered son is Theodorakis. Theodorakis was registered at the Spring Meeting in Münster-Handorf 2022. He was purchased by the reknowned Stud Gut Staffelde.2022 He was the Riding Horse Champion oft he three year old stallions, he was ridden by Christian Flamm.
He has produced many top mares, most recently including the 2017 Bavarian Trakehner Champion Mare, Hagebutte who is ownend and bred by the reknowned Gestüt Murtal in Austria . Hagebutte has wins up to Advanced (S) Dressage.

2018 his daughter Ophelia won the mares performance test in Thierhaupten agains mares of all breeds. She had an overall note of 8.61, and became 9 for her jumping. Ophelia was also Champion Trakehner Riding horse in Bavaria.
Pommery TSF from his first crop of foals was awarded the prestigous TSF title for his consistent success in the Dressage arena. He is currently in France where he succesfully competed Grand Prix Dressage.
Isselhook´s First Sight TSF by Lossow out of Fünflinden by Hibiskus.
2019 a daughter of Hibiskus was Champion of the Bavarian Trakehner Registrations (grey mare at the offspring pictures), Second in her Performance test with the result 8.75. Most expensive Mare and Riding horse at the Aucion in Neumünsteras a three year old.
2021 He was awarded the „Stallion of the Year 2021“ by USEA United States Eventing Association.First Sight is currently competing Internationally very successfully in USA with the Olympic rider Doug Payne
2021 Pfingstrose Reserve Champion Mare of the Trakehner Registration in Bavaria
2023 Young Riders NAYC 2023 Gold Medal Winners Lexi Kment and Hibiskus son Montagny von der Heide, USA
Kalimero with sins in Dressage S** current titelholder oft he Prestigous TSF Final oft he Hengstmarkt in Neumuenster.
Hagebutte Champion Mare oft he Registration in Bavaria ,meanwhile S Dressage winner in Austria


Offspring of Hibikus were succesful up to class S.

Responsible fort ext and pictures: Erin Reili

TSF Polartanz

Breed: Trakehner
Colour: Black Brown
Height: 165 cm
Born: 2011

Konvoi Kallistos x Djerba Oua ox
Keseybiss x
Komposition II Elfenglanz
Polarfreude Heraldik xx Caramel xx
Heraldika xx
Polarkönigin II Habicht

v. Konvoi – Heraldik xx - Habicht


  • Graded for Trakehner, papers for foals possible for all breeding books (warmblood)
  • Performance tested in Germany
  • Stallionbook I Trakehner
  • Homozygous black E/E
  • Signum TSF
  • Competitor Olympic Team Selection 2023 with Felix Etzel
  • Winner in Montelibretti (Italy) CCI4
  • Succesful up to International Eventing CCI4
  • WFFS negative


Newzealand 1350 NZD



Breeders in Europe please contact Ulrike Malter, , +49 (0) 151 56097845

Polartanz is one of the most successful Eventing Stallions on international Level. He combines Intelligence and best Interior with sportive key attributes:

  • Highest Power of Concentration
  • Rideability and Rythm in the Dressage
  • Outstanding Constitution and Courage in Eventing

English Thoroughbred influence through the historymaking sire Heraldik xx, who won the Worldcup and many Nation Prizes in Showjumping. He has offspring in Dressage, highest level Showjumping and Eventing up until the Olympic Games

With the famous mare families of Polarfahrt and Kokette from the Main Stud “Trakehnen”, a success promising foundation was built.

Well-established Trakehner Blood Ratio through Habicht v. Burnus AAH (Eventing up to highest level) and Elfenglanz (award winning up to highest level).French influence (AA) through Konvoi v. Kallistos x, a famous winner at Hurdle Races and has offspring in international Showjumping and Eventing up to the Olympic Games

In March 2015, at the breeding association for sport horses of Arabian descent in Alsfeld, Polartanz received his stallion licensing and was registered in the Stallion Book I. Currently licensed and approved for breeding throughout the Trakehner Verband, Deutsches Sportpferd (DSP) and ZSAA.
The incredibly charming stallion scored not only with his excellent gaits and rythm, also with his outstanding and concentrated performance in the Free Jumping.

Breeders Philosophy: Ulrike's Love for horses is renowned and they have always been an important part of her life. As a young woman, she was captivated by the power, elegance, speed and grace of the Trakehner Horse. When ever she is being asked about her Philosophy she often likes to refer to a quote from Georg Graf v. Lehndorff, which brings her mindset to the point: „Thoroughbred creates Miracles!“

His offspring has exeeded our expectations so far. All Foals have fascinated their breeders with outstanding characteristics and interior as well as their attachment to humans. Their movements are famous for being highly elastic, with great impulsion and continuous rythm.


Responsible for text and pictures: Ulrike Malter

Nugget xx

Breed: Thoroughbred
Colour: Palomino
Height: 167 cm
Born: 2011

RHF Golden Globe xx Legacy In Gold xx Glitter Please xx
Honey Rider xx
Kali’s Sunshine xx Ovala Slew xx
Sunny Climate xx
Explosive Delight xx Exploit xx Storm Cat xx
My Turbulent Miss xx
Affirmed Delight xx Affirmed xx
Delighter xx

v. Golden Globe xx – Exploit xx – Affirmed xx

  • Graded 2019 ZSAA, Germany
  • Performance tested in Austria
  • Stallionbook I for warmbloods
  • Palomino
  • Possible to use for dilute mares
  • Succesful eventer up to class CCN2


Europe 2 doses 700 EUR, dilute mares 1050 EUR

USA 2 doses 780 USD

Australia 2 doses 1175 AUD (all mares)

Newzealand 2 doses 1250 NZD (all mares)

Stallion with a very balanced character, very good movement and excellent jumping manner, equipped with all the necessary riding horse points, which are important in warmblood breedings. He is very interested to breed with a warmblood mare.

Nugget had a score of 8,18 in his performance test in 2021 in Austria. This gave him access to warmblood studbooks. His foals get full papers.

Interieur: 9,7

Jumping ability and manner: 8,5

rideability 8.5


In 2022 placed in the top 10 several times in eventing and jumping classes A and L, in CCN1* and CCN2*.

Responsible for text and pictures: Angela Westphal

Amadei Geli

Breed: Akhal teke
Colour: Buckskin
Height: 165 cm
Born: 2015

Dagat Geli Gaigisyz Karaman
Dargi Gigant
Ainisa Geli Tokhtamysh Khalif
Ogra Orlan

Dagat Geli – Tokhtamysh - Orlan


  • All-breed Champion of his licensing in Bavaria, Germany
  • Winner of his performance test with the result of 8,4
  • Young Champion of Russia
  • very succesful as 5 and 6 year old horse in eventing competitions, now high level dressage with Anja Beran


Australia 1500 AUD 1 dose

Europe 800 EUR per 2 doses


Breeders in Europe please contact Julia Schmid, , ++49 (0) 170 7514258

Akhal Teke breeding stallion with brain, jump, stamina, toughness and rideability and a golden buckskin.


His offspring shows the best rideabilities and has a high willingness to please.

Responsible for text and pictures: Julia Schmid


Breed: Trakehner
Colour: Black Brown
Height: 170 cm
Born: 2014

Sixtus Habicht Burnus AA
Stradelle Ibikus
Acajou II Unkensee Karneval
Ajanta xx Limbo xx
Arabeske xx

Sixtus – Unkensee – Limbo xx


  • graded 2018 for Trakehner in Poland, Europe
  • Performancetest 100 Daystest 2018, Endresult 7,9
  • Trakehner stallionbook 1
  • Qualified for the Bundeschampionat in Germany as 5 und 6 year old
  • WFFN negative


Europe: 2doses 600 EUR

Australia: 2 doses 950 AUD

Newzealand 2 doses 950 NZD

Ever ambitious athlete with muscular blood horse appearance, spirited with loads of pizzazz. Embodying clear stallion type, he takes after his sire Sixtus. His side view standout feature is a well-structured croup promising excellent leverage. As to basic gaits, the quality of his canter, always jumped, up-hill, and with impressive freedom of shoulder deserves attention, with the dark bay’s shape of movement particularly convincing in the cross country. His jumping is dynamic with excellent front leg technique when negotiating a show jumping or cross country course.

Eventing rider Jerome Robine RFV Weiterstadt with Akito won silver with the team and bronze in the individual classification at the European Junior Championships


Responsible for text and pictures: Michael Schneider


The EU semen depot Freeze and Breed is only responsible for everything to do with shipments. All information about shipping semen can be found here: hier

Contact person:
Baerbel Ott, mobile and whatsapp +49 160 7947512

Breed: Partbredarabian
Colur: Buckskin
Height: 154 cm
Born.: 2011

Reitlands Rheingold Stuckhuster Ricardo Go for Gold Anjershof Rocky
Harmonie Diamant II
Psyches Imperia Psyches Ambassador Padrons Psyche
Asya MG
Bumazea Balaton

Reitlands Rheingold – Psyches Ambassador ox – Balaton ox


  • WFFS negative
  • premiumfoal  in Regesbostel
  • graded 2013 ZfDP
  • graded 2015 ZSAA, Premiumstallion
  • performancetest 30 Daystest, Endresult 7,31


Europe: 4 doses 350 EUR

UK:  150 GBP per dose

Australia: 2 doses 700 AUD

As a foal awarded Gold Champion.
Reserve champion at the German Foal Championships.
As 1 and 2 year old Gold and Silver Champion at international Shows.
Gold champion at the Breeders Cup 2013 in Salzkotten, Germany.
2014 Gold champion at the VZAP
2014 approved stallion at ZfdP
2015 Premium Stallion at ZSAA

He completed his stallion performance test in October 2015 with an overall score of 7.31.
He was awarded a 9 for character, 8.5 for motivation, an 8 for performance and a 7.6 for rideability.
He is a stallion with a wonderful, well-balanced temperament and very good attitude to work.

Trained and competed by Annika Bardenhagen



Riverdance has a popular son: "Riversdancing" - he is already graded.

Foals of Riverdance can get full papers for sportponies.

responsible for text and pictures: Anita Scheele